• Новости Патологии, базисной и клинической фармакологии

Announcement! Student Research Competition!

2024-11-25 08:17:57 12

The Department of Pathology, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology of the International Medical Faculty of Osh State University invites students to take part in the competition of scientific articles and Student Science Club "Modern Trends in Medicine" among young researchers in medicine, which will be held on December 10, 2024, at the IMF of OshSU. Submission Process: The deadline for submitting abstracts and articles is December 5 at 23:59. Abstracts should be submitted electronically to gumurzakova@oshsu.kg. The program will include an open discussion among listeners and participants, as well as accompanying events. Conference Presentation: The duration of each presentation is 7 minutes, with an additional 2 minutes for discussion. No more than 5 authors may be listed for one work. An author may submit no more than 2 reports. Evaluation and Judging: The evaluation criteria for scientific articles will be assessed on a 5-point scale, considering the following aspects: Scientific novelty and relevance of the topic Purpose, objectives, and methods of research Validity and coverage of previous works by the author’s predecessors Description of the method and experimental setup Presentation of actual research results, and personal contribution of the author Practical value Conclusions and recommendations List of references Finalist Selection: A panel of experts will review the submissions and select up to approximately 10 finalists based on the quality and relevance of their research. The selected finalists will have their work published in the journal «Вестник ОшГУ». Finalists will be notified via email by December 12, 2024, and will be invited to submit a full poster for the competition.